How to cure nail fungus at home is the first question a person asks when faced with unpleasant symptoms. Simple and affordable traditional medicine recipes are effective in the early stages of fungal infections.
Pharmaceutical companies are constantly trying to improve old antifungal drugs and produce new drugs. The variety of antimycotics is very large, and this gives hope to easily get rid of unpleasant diseases. At the same time, the number of victims of bacterial attacks is not reduced. Paradox? No, the facts are quite understandable. Microscopic fungi constantly mutate and adapt to negative survival conditions. Emerging strains that are resistant to drug therapy. The harder it is to get rid of the fungus. But there are alternatives to traditional treatments. Reliable and effective traditional medicine recipes can get rid of fungus on toenails and hands even before the discovery of the first pathogenic virus by scientists.
How and how to cure fungus at home?
No one is immune from infection with onychomycosis. Already wearing shoes increases the risk of infection by 50%. Weakened immunity, visiting gyms, swimming pools, public baths and saunas are the most common causes of the development of nail fungus. At the first suspicious symptoms (deformation or thickening of the nail plate, the appearance of spots, detachment from the bed, itching, redness, peeling), emergency measures must be taken. The most affordable treatment option is to use a home formulation. But it should be remembered that traditional medicine is effective only in the early stages of onychomycosis.
All home treatments can be divided into three groups:
- pharmaceutical antiseptics - this includes all independent drugs that affect the life of the fungus. These are creams, ointments, solutions with synthetic and natural formulas of active ingredients.
- plant -based preparations - essential oils, tinctures and decoctions for baths from medicinal plants can improve the condition of the affected nails within a week.
- solutions and household ingredients - soda, salt, food vinegar, effectively eliminate the main symptoms of the fungus, but require long -term use.
You should be prepared for the fact that treating nail fungus is always difficult and time consuming. Methodology and consistency are key conditions for successful home therapy.
A quick way to cure nail fungus with pharmaceutical supplies
For the treatment of onychomycosis, the simplest antiseptic medication is often used, which can be purchased at any pharmacy for a penny. But dermatologists warn that the use of antiseptics can cause burns and allergic reactions. High antiseptic concentrations do not guarantee its effectiveness. Simplicity and care are the main principles of treating foot and hand fungus with the simplest solution.
Active ingredients | Method of application |
Iodine | The solution is prepared from iodine and alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply with a cotton swab on the affected part of the nail 2 times a day. |
Hydrogen peroxide medicine | Mix equal amounts of peroxide and water, apply a compress for 30 minutes 2-3 times a day. |
Formaldehyde | Wipe the affected nails in the morning and evening. |
Zinc oxide (ointment) | Apply in a thin layer on the nails at night and cover with a sterile bandage. |
Aluminum-potassium heels | 0. 5 teaspoons of powder diluted in a glass of hot water. Treat your nails several times a day. |
How to cure nail fungus at home with plants?
Nature is the best helper in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. Medicinal plants have antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties. Suitable set for the prevention and treatment of onychomycosis. But in large forbs, only a few species are effective against most types of fungal infections. The table shows the strongest crops.
Medicinal plants | Form of drug composition | Method of application |
Rowan | Grind fresh fruit into a homogeneous gruel | Apply the mixture to the fungus affected nails, apply a gauze bandage on top, leave to compress overnight |
Celandine | Alcohol color | Gently lubricate nails with color every night before bed. |
Ek | Dry skin | Pour 1 tablespoon of bark with 1 liter of water, insist in a water bath for 50-60 minutes. Soak every night for 10 days |
The tree | Essential oils | Moisten a cotton ball in oil and wipe the affected nails 2 times a day, morning and evening |
garlic | Grind the cloves into gruel | Apply gruel on the nails, cover with adhesive and apply a gauze bandage |
The mushrooms | Soaked dried mushrooms | A piece of kombucha is applied to the infected nail at night and tied tightly with adhesive, and then attached with a bandage. Softens the plate perfectly and facilitates subsequent removal |
How to treat nail fungus with household solutions?
You can try to get rid of the fungus with regular products like vinegar or salt. The recipe is very simple:
- Vinegar. The treatment uses table vinegar, apple cider vinegar or 9% wine and 70% essence. The latter is preferred because of the ability to adjust the concentration. For 10-14 days, you need to raise the legs or arms in the solution of the drug every day. 250 ml of vinegar or 3 tablespoons of essence diluted in 1 liter of boiled water (temperature - the hotter, the better). Keep your feet in the solution for 20-30 minutes or until the water is completely cool. After 3-4 baths, the affected nails will begin to peel off, they must be removed with an orange stick. Do not cut or tear the plate.
- Salt. You can treat nail fungus with a saturated salt solution. Dissolve 5-6 tablespoons of table or sea salt in 2 liters of hot water and bathe for 30 minutes (until the water is completely cold) every evening, before bed. Doctors recommend enhancing the therapeutic effect of the composition with a pinch of potassium permanganate. Add some crystals to the tub until the water turns pink. The course of treatment is at least 10 days, although symptoms disappear after 3-4 procedures.
- Soda. Alkaline environments are detrimental to microscopic fungi. Soda compresses and baths will help control the infection. There are several effective baking soda recipes. Rub the affected nails with the solution: stir 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 50 grams of warm water, moisten the nails with a cotton cloth several times a day. Soda salt bath: thoroughly stir 3 tablespoons of salt and soda in 2 liters of hot water, dip feet or hands into the solution, perform the procedure for at least 10 days. Compress: wipe 1 tablespoon of baking soda with vinegar, apply gruel on nails, wrap tightly with adhesive film and fix with gauze bandage.

It is possible to cure nail fungus in a quick way available only if not more than a week after infection. With further onychomycosis, all home methods are used in addition to systemic medication. Therefore, it is necessary to check the nails and feet carefully every day, especially after visiting a public locker room, wearing professional or sports shoes for a long time.